To achieve quality financial stewardship, we offer Stocks, ETFs, Bonds, No Load Mutual Funds, Term Life Insurance and Indexed Annuities.  Investment accounts are held in custody at TD Ameritrade Institutional in individual client names.All investments are screened to make sure they are not profiting from things contrary to a Biblical worldview.

Covered Calls – A Conservative“Cash Flow Strategy”

We also invest using a conservative approach to writing Covered Calls.  This strategy takes advantage of the natural monthly ebbs and flows found in the stock market producing immediate income into the account.

Non-Loaded Mutual Funds & ETFs –A “Buy and Hold Strategy” 

At Inheritance Builders, we offer Mutual Funds as a way to implement a buy and hold strategy of investing.

Indexed Annuities –A “Capital Preservation Strategy”

As one nears the point in life when investments are needed for income, the strategy becomes more focused on preserving what has been accumulated.  We use a number of tools to accomplish this one, of which, is an Equity Indexed Annuity.